Monday, December 24, 2007

Focus on: The Difference Between Bipolar Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder

One of the thorniest issues when it comes to borderline personality disorder is its relationship to depression and bipolar disorder. After all eighty percent of individuals diagnosed with borderline also exhibits symptoms of bipolar disorder. Many people have heard of bipolar disorder, one of the most documented and researched psychiatric disorders. Someone suffering from bipolar disorder is prone to experience frequent, dramatic mood swings. In many ways, it would seem that bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder are on and the same.

Nothing however could be further from the truth.

Consider these differences:
1. The violent mood swings, rage, hyperactivity, and impulsivity experienced by someone with borderline personality disorder is triggered by inner turmoil. The extreme behaviors are may in fact be strategies to deal with the pain that is felt inside. The moodiness, impulsivity, and hyperactivity of someone suffering from bipolar disorder have a mind of its own. While episodes may be sparked by outside stress, the behaviors of mania and depression have little to do with the inner world.
2. The symptoms of bipolar disorder are usually well controlled with medication. This is usually with some combination of mood stabilizer medication and anti-depressant. The manifestations of borderline personality disorder however are poorly controlled by medication. Some behavioral manifestations of borderline such as depression, impulsivity, self mutilation, and suicidality may be controlled with medication. The inner psychology of the person however remains the same.
3. Whereas dread of abandonment is a hallmark of borderline personality disorder, there is no such parallel among those diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
4. Self mutilatory behaviors are common among those with borderline personality disorder. Similar behaviors are not present among those with bipolar disorder.


Unknown said...

anyone know of any dbt programs in Israel?

Unknown said...

btw, I forgot to mention, that DBT Rocks!!! I'm in a program now in the US. I am also keeping a journal about Torah based ideas that are reflected in the DBT.
this is to compliment/augment/off-set(?) the DBT's zen orientation.

However, we already have a parallel program in the frum community: EMETT (by Miriam Adahan, Feldheim Pub.) She based her program on the Recovery Inc. ( program which also a cbt program.

Yom Hadin is a good time to reflect on "non-judgmentalness." Non-judgmentalness is a very difficult concept for people (esp. those who come from a background with strong "right/wrong" outlook. But we HAVE a source for non-judgmentalness is "giving the benefit of the doubt," from Perkei Avot.